
– 1945: Gründung

– 1951: Umzug nach Rom

– 1962: Welthungerhilfe (Freedom from Hunger Campaign) wird gegründet. Eines ihrer Ziele ist es, Staaten zum Beitritt und Mitwirkung in der FAO zu bewegen

1981: Erster Weltnahrungstag am 16 Oktober

1996: World Food Summit to combat world hunger

2009: World Summit on Food Security



Detailed historical overview:

In a historic victory of veterinary science, FAO and OIE announced that thanks to a decades-long international cooperative effort, the fatal cattle disease known as rinderpest had successfully been eradicated in the wild. In July, FAO declared a state of famine in two regions of Somalia and appealed for US$120 million for response to the drought across the Horn of Africa. FAO Member countries elected José Graziano da Silva of Brazil as Director-General, to take office in January 2012.

As the worst floods ever to hit Pakistan wiped out seed stores and killed millions of head of livestock, FAO responded with distribution of wheat seed to half a million farming families in time for the planting season. An additional 235 000 families received feed, medicine and shelter for their animals.

As the number of hungry reached 1.02 billion, FAO holds a World Summit on Food Security on 16-18 November to inject new urgency into the fight against hunger. Sixty heads of state and government and 192 ministers unanimously adopt a declaration pledging renewed commitment to eradicate hunger from the Earth at the earliest date

FAO holds a high-level conference on 3–5 June on the impact of climate change and the biofuel boom on food security and food prices. Attended by 43 heads of state and 100 government ministers, the conference adopted a resolution to increase assistance and investment in developing world agriculture.

All 119 countries at FAO’s Committee on Fisheries in Rome agree on a proposal to develop a legally binding measure to tackle illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing practices, which cause severe economic, social, biological and environmental damage.2006
FAO unveils its high-tech Crisis Management Centre to fight bird flu and other animal health or food safety emergencies. The service monitors disease outbreaks and dispatches experts to any hot spot in the world in under 48 hours.

Representatives of 96 FAO member countries at the International Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development, in Brazil, make a joint declaration recognizing the role of agrarian reform and rural development for sustainable development.

The 60th anniversary of FAO’s founding celebrated in a solemn ceremony attended by Heads of State and Government, Ministers and other dignitaries from all regions of the world.

Director-General Jacques Diouf re-elected for a third six-year term. FAO Conference approves additional reforms including further decentralization of staff.

FAO announces the entering into force of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, an essential legally binding agreement that encourages sustainable agriculture through the equitable sharing of genetic material and its benefits among plant breeders, farmers and public and private research institutions.

World Food Summit: five years later, attended by delegations from 179 countries plus the European Commission, reaffirms the international community’s commitment to reduce hunger by half by 2015.

FAO Conference adopts the legally binding International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, which supports the work of breeders and farmers everywhere.

FAO develops a strategy for concerted government and UN agency action to combat chronic hunger in the Horn of Africa, at the request of the United Nations Secretary-General.

FAO’s Committee on Fisheries adopts plans of action on fishing capacity, sharks and seabirds.

An FAO-brokered legally binding convention to control trade in pesticides and other hazardous trade in chemicalsis adopted in Rotterdam.

FAO launches campaign against hunger initiative TeleFood. TeleFood ’97 reaches a global audience of 500 million.

FAO hosts 186 Heads of State or Government and other high officials at World Food Summit in November to discuss and combat world hunger.

FAO celebrates its 50th birthday.

FAO launches the Special Programme for Food Security (SPFS), targeting low-income food-deficit countries (LIFDCs).

The Emergency Prevention System for Transboundary Animal and Plant Pests and Diseases (EMPRES), strengthening the Organization’s existing contribution to prevention, control and, when possible, eradication of diseases and pests, is established.

FAO begins the most significant restructuring since its founding to decentralize operations, streamline procedures and reduce costs.

International Plant Protection Convention is ratified with 92 signatories.

AGROSTAT (now FAOSTAT), the world’s most comprehensive source of agricultural information and statistics, becomes operational.

The first World Food Day observed on 16 October by more than 150 countries.

FAO concludes 56 agreements for the appointment of FAO Representatives in developing member countries.

The Eighth World Forestry Congress, held in Jakarta, Indonesia, with the theme “Forests for people”, has a profound impact on attitudes towards forestry development and FAO’s work in this sector.

FAO’s Technical Cooperation Programme established to afford greater flexibility in responding to urgent situations.

UN World Food Conference in Rome recommends the adoption of an International Undertaking on World Food Security.

The FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission established to set international food standards becomes operational.

Freedom from Hunger campaign launched to mobilize non-governmental support.

FAO headquarters moved to Rome, Italy, from Washington, DC, the United States.

First session of FAO Conference, Quebec City, Canada, establishes FAO as a specialized United Nations agency.

Forty-four governments, meeting in Hot Springs, Virginia, the United States, commit themselves to founding a permanent organization for food and agriculture.

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